The New CAA Signature Format.
The California Apartment Association has changed the format of the Landlord field on the forms to better reflect the landlord signature page.
1. The Landlord Entry lineThe line on the form where you enter the landlord's name is now split into two sections, to accommodate situations when 2 people are both landlords (for example, a husband and wife both own the property).
NOTE: The borders are for easy reference in this FAQ. They do not appear on the actual forms.

a. If there is only one individual landlord, the name would be entered in section 1.
b. If there are two individuals who are both the landlord, the first person would enter their name in section 1 and the second person would enter their name in section 2.
c. If the user is an agent for the landlord, they would enter the landlord's name in section 1.
2. The Signature lines

The signature lines will automatically be filled in from what is entered in the Landlord fields at the top of the form. If the user is working for a management company, they will need to put the company name in the appropriate field for landlord 1 or landlord 2.
On forms which don't have a Landlord entry line and only have a single landlord signing line (as do many of the Notices to Residents) and there are 2 landlords, the user should use whichever landlord name is appropriate for who will sign in at a particular time.
3. Signature locations for the first signature line
The pre-tagged signature locations only apply to the first signature line.

1. If the user in the actual landlord the would enter their name (optional) and email address in the Landlord field. The signature location will appear on the leftmost signature line over the word "Landlord".

2. If the user is an agent of the landlord or works for a management company, they would enter their name (optional) and email address in the Individual signing for Landlord field. The signature location will appear to the right of the checkbox (which should be checked) over the phrase "Individual signing for Landlord".
4. The Second Landlord Signatures.If the second landlord needs to sign enter their email address in the Additional Signer Emails field. After the Submit button has been clicked the user will have to click on the Edit Signing Location button and manually add the signature location and date to the document.
Instructions on how to Edit Signing Locations
When the Small Signature and Date fields are added they should be aligned to the left edge of the line (as in the above illustrations). The signature line and line for the date should be aligned vertically as pictured below, to keep the final signature and date from being too high or too low.

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